Weekending and Giveaway Winners

Giveaway Winners!

I have to start with my giveaway winners because it's just too exciting! This afternoon I put all 104 handwritten names on little strips of paper into my sweetest little mixing bowl, stirred it all up and picked out 4 names.

Of course I made the announcement on Instagram and by email to all my subscribers. Here's the lovely thing...one of the winners is a long-time blogging friend. We haven't spoken in a very long time and it provided the perfect opportunity for us to quickly catch up on what's been going on in each others lives.

Another winner was thrilled to win as she confided that she never wins anything - can I tell you how happy that made my heart that she is a receipient of some lovely yarn! 

All 4 sock sets were wrapped up with ribbon and tissue paper and will make their way to their new homes, each with a lovely lady waiting to spend hours crafting something beautiful out of the yarn. Isn't that just such a lovely thought!


If you are conneced with me on Instagram you would have seen this post...

We are very lucky to have lots of hedghogs that move between our garden and both my neighbours on either side of us. A couple of days ago while we were sitting outside eating an alfresco supper when this beautiful teeny-tiny little hedgehog made an apprearance. It was dusk so we didn't worry too much. We checked him over for ticks and then gave him a meal of cat pellets which he greedily devoured.

The next night he was back again - we fed him some more food before he toddled off to get on with his notcurnal activities. However, yesterday late morning after church we were sitting outside having some coffee before leaving to explore a National Trust property and who should toddle out but this sweet little fellow which had by now recieved the name of Monty (tribute to our favourite TV gardener).

That's not right. When hedgehogs are out in the day time that usually means something is wrong. So we bundled him up into a cat travel box and swung by the vets before going out.

This morning we had a report back - it's just as well we brought him in because it is far too small to be out and about on his own. He was undernourshed and terribly small. It seems he may have been rejected by his mama. So he's been sent off to a lovely lady who rehabilitates hedgehogs in trouble to fatten him up and get him ready to survive the upcoming winter. 

Did you know that here in the UK if you have any British wildlife that needs assistance every vetinary practice is obliged to take them in and treat them at no cost to you? It's a fantastic way to ensure our precious wildlife is protected and looked after.

Powys Castle

Most of us in the UK have been enjoying some actual summer weather! Yesterday we decided to take advantage, pack a picnic and head out to visit a National Trust property - it's one of our favourite things to do as a family at the weekend.

I had seen Powys Castle on a gardening program about a year ago and was taken with how beautiful the gardens were, so imagine how pleased I was when I discovered that it was a mere hours drive from Chester.

It was glorious! The castle, the gardens, the beautiful colourful borders are inspirational and it gave us lots of ideas to impliment in our own garden.

The hedges were spectacular! They actually get cherry pickers in so that they can maintain them. Trimming the hedges at this property is certainly not an afternoon job or even in Monty Don's words a 'job for the weekend'. Slightly more work goes into these impressive hedges.

After walking down more flights of stairs that was probably good for my husband with his injured knee, we found a lovely shady spot under a tree and lazed about enjoying our picnic. There was a family of crows nearby with their fledglings. all but one could fly and he was crouched down in the grass nearby. We through him a few blueberries and grapes which he seemed to enjoy. He was very sweet and stayed closeby the entire time we were there.

All too soon it was time to pack up and make our way up the myriad of steps. By the time we got to the top we agreed that perhaps such an adventure was a bit over ambitious for hubby at his halfway point in his recovery. He felt rather achey and sore later that evening!

If you are ever in North Wales I would certainly recommend spending an afternoon at this beautiful property. We are loving having our National Trust membership again and are taking advantage of every weekend that our youngest is with us. She will be moving to Manchester in the next month or two to be closer to the airport (she is cabin crew for an airline and flies at all sorts of strange hours). But until she does we are making lots of lovely family memories.

Have a lovely week all, I shall be back soon to share some current knitty projects that I am working on.

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