How To Keep Your Knitting Mojo this Summer -Top Tips for Knitting Outdoors

Knitting Podcast Yarn

 Hello my lovely friends! I hope that you are well.

We have had a rather chilly start to the summer but I am happy to say that this week is set to be beautiful! Hot at first but then slowly becoming more temperate. 

Of course, as the weather improves I am looking forward to soaking up the sun outdoors and getting a bit of knitting done.

I have four shows coming up over August to October so I thought that I would knit up a few items that I can wear to the shows so that my lovely customers can see what a few of my yarns look like knitted up.

I once lost my knitting mojo for 15 months! I naturally find my knitting mojo waining somewhat over the summer months. I mean, summer seems more suited to stitching and sewing. Knitting brings me so much joy and one thing I know, is that I do not want to lose my knitting mojo again.

So, to counter the risk of losing my knitting mojo again, I try to find ways to make my knitting time a bit different to those cozy winter days when you snuggle under a crochet blanket watching a bit of Miss Marple, needles and yarn at the ready.

In the summer I choose to take my knitting outside, sit under the shade of a tree with a tall glass of iced water and a mix of berries, and slowly while away an hour or so in peaceful knitted bliss.

No television. No distractions. Just the cool of the shade, birdsong and the sound of my knitting needles clicking away.

I wonder if anyone else finds their enthusiasim for knitting dropping off over the summer? If you do, please do share any tips that you have to counter that feeling. Here are a few of my top tips for knitting outdoors.

1. Choose the Right Yarn

Opt for yarn that is lightweight and breathable, such as cotton or bamboo blends. These materials will keep you cool while you work on your project under the sun.

I have been knitting up a whole lot of 100% cotton dish/face cloths. Why? 

For a couple of reasons. Firstly, I absolutly love using them to wash my dishes. I have used them for well on 18 years now and I will never go back to store bought. They are durable, washable, so lovely and squishy and make my dishwasing chore a little more beautiful.

Secondly, the sustainability. As long as you don't swipe them along the blade of a knife as my husband did once, they last for years! All you need to do is pop them into the washing machine every few days and it will be clean, fresh, hygenic and ready to go.

Finally, I want to offer my readers and customers items that I 100% believe in and use myself to make their homekeeping days feel a little more beautiful with a tourch of whimsy from yesteryear. 

In bygone years, homekeepers made most things from scratch, nowdays we buy mass produced and often poorly made disposable items. I don't want that in my home and I'm sure that there are other homemakers like me out there.

So, if you are not a knitter or crocheter you can still enjoy these homespun cloths in your home.

I have stocked my shop with some lovely waffleweave stitch washcloths. They are not expensive - £3.75 each so you can stock up on a few to keep in rotation. 

Visit my store and pop them in your basket.

2. Use Circular Needles

Circular needles are a great choice for poolside/picnic/beach/outdoor knitting as they are less likely to slip out of your project and are easier to manage in outdoor settings. Plus, they won't roll away if you accidentally drop them!

I quite like to store my DPN's and circular needles in a DPN cozy. It prevents those stiches from falling off the needle. I have a few bee DPN cozies in my shop but they are teamed up with matching bumble bee project bags (see below).

I will be adding some cozies to the store in the next few weeks so if you are looking for a DPN cozy then keep an eye on my blog and IG for restocking news.

3. Protect Your Yarn

Keep your yarn in a project bag to prevent it from getting tangled or dirty. This will also help protect your yarn from any splashes or spills that may occur near the pool or whilst out on a picnic.

I have some very sweet bumble bee project bag (with a matching DPN cozy!) in the shop. they are super sweet and have a little bee charm on the zipper. I think these are perfect for your summer knitting projects or to tuck away in your Christmas gift cupboard for a special crafty friend.

4. Plan Your Projects Ahead of Time

Before heading out on your camping trip, picnic, beach visit or where ever you are holidaying this year, plan your knitting projects ahead of time. Choose projects that are portable and don't require a lot of space to work on. Simple projects like dishcloths, hats, socks, mittens or scarves are great options for knitting outdoors.

5. Take Advantage of Downtime

If you are on holiday, you'll have plenty of downtime to relax and unwind. Use this time to focus on your knitting projects and make progress on your creations. Knitting can be a great way to pass the time and unwind after a day of hiking or exploring.

 None of these little tips are rocket-science, but I think that by keeping things simple when the weather is hot and working on projects that can be finished within a week. It allows you to just pick up and put down simple projects, without feeling like you have to devote hours of time sitting with a whole lot of hot yarn on your lap. Perhaps that is why my knitting mojo made a decided exit each summer for years.

Since keeping it light and simple, I have found that I am less likley to lose my knitting mojo.

New Vlog Episode!

Now, my daughter very kindly corrected my tech-terminology! She told me that my podcast was not a podcast at all but rather a vlog. And of course she is quite correct. So I formally stand corrected and will hopefully not make that mistake again!

I'm afraid this episode is not as polished as I would like. My editing programme was misbehaving and really, I knew if I didn't get it out this week we would be into July and I really did not want to miss a month!

So, Episode 3 is now available for you to watch on my YouTube channel. I would be so grateful if you could give it a thumbs up to help my channel grow.

Anyhoo, that about wraps up this post. I hope that you all have a wonderful week and don't forget to leave me your top summer knitting tips!

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